Instantly putting you under the spotlight

Because it shouldn't take heavy communication to let the world know you are relevant.

Media relations is outdated and inefficient, creating inconvenience with little to no reward for both clients and the media

Regular media relations involves emailing journalists story ideas in the form of pitches, asking for their client to get covered. They offer nothing of value to journalists in return.

Regular media relations requires both clients and the media to juggle outside applications like emails, Zoom, Calendly and phone calls to regularly communicate

Regular media relations usually only provides basic media coverage reports, with just a list of media coverage without additional insights

With data journalism on the rise, media relations should offer the media tools that employ data journalism to make more informed decisions

One-Sided Relationship with the Media

Juggling Outside Applications

Insufficient Reporting

Lack of Data Journalism Utilization

Making PR align with your modern needs and expectations

Aicon makes PR straightforward for clients and beneficial to the media. We eliminate internal communication and replace it with innovative, easy-to-use tools to ensure you're getting the best outcome with the least amount of effort.

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